So, my issue with Issues is that I am unsure what sub-group of people I am suppose to hang-out and listen to this band with. The skateboard theme pushes me toward the whole Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3/wear beanies in the summer/vans buying crowd. But then that intro comes in and just asks for a mosh. Just when you are about to windmill the fuk out of some straight-edge whiteknight in the pit the turntables make you think you are at an Incubus show, so now you are #scaredasfuk because you know only the big boys mosh it up at Incubus shows. You hear the screaming and harsh vocals so now you know you are at show where every chick is max 4/10 but then you do a 180 in the pit and start jumping in unison with a bunch of 15 yr old girls wielding their iPhone 5 cameras when the singer, Tyler Carter, crones his beautifully powerful lyrics over top that brutal double-kick (is he John Bonham or something? Dude is crazy fast). Do you see my problem now?
With almost 3,000,000 hits on their vid so far, the schizophrenia-core pioneers Issues are going to continue to confuse young high schoolers like myself into awkward positions. Am I allowed to like this band? Are they mainstream now, hence my disapproval and constant remarks of how I "listened to them before they got big"? It's to hard to tell for now so instead I will torrent their album and not listen to anything but this track.
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