Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Alternative Christiancore

Alright, the partys back on and guess what we are kicking this rebirth off with? Turn up your Logictech speakers up to full and move the sub out from under your desk and listen to this jam:
Are you fucking kidding me?  That opening riff will be destroying handfuls of Christian metallists all over the bible belt. Now, you might be saying, what do you mean Christians? The band is called Demon Hunter there is no way they a Christian band.  Plus, I have never heard of them and I've heard better generic metalcore garbage on XM. Well, the thing is they are serious about the hunting demons thing.  You are just used to the #mosh4christ whiny screamo kids with swoopy hair doing the Jesus praising.  Demon Hunter could've changed the landscape of #jesusmetal, but they suck to much and their more guttural screamed vocals ruin any chance of the solid fanbase of blue/pink haired girls that flock to see aforementioned bands (think Devil Wears Prada, For Today)

Despite the fact that they don't have much else in the way of bangin' tracks (shoutout to "I Play Dead" which I only listened to because 5FDP's Zoltan said it was heavy as hell) Demon Hunter managed to hit the nail into the cross with this one.  Given the fact that they will always be an opener, they only need three good songs to get the crowds warmed up for August Burns Red and As I Lay Dying. Plus, they even got a Brock Lindow guest appearance in "Beauty Through The Eyes of a Predator."  What has that got to do with Jesus and the Lord Almighty?  Beats me, but it will also be beating in my burned out, broken-ass speakers every time I go to Kroger.